Clean Water for Congo's Students

Great news! The water catchment project for the Pinson School in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is complete. The project serves close to 1,200 students at this school, including many children sponsored by Exile International, an organization restoring rescued child soldiers and children orphaned by war through art-focused trauma care & holistic rehabilitation.

“The timing of this project is so symbolic and representative of God’s goodness. Water points directly to life and hope—wonderful gifts from God,” says Jared Palmitier, managing director at Exile International. “Completing this project with the Living Water Project now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, has not only met an essential human need for many … it has brought much needed encouragement and hope!” 

The Living Water Project (TLWP) is proud to be a partner of Exile International and excited to complete our 5th clean water project together—collectively bringing clean, life-giving water to thousands. TLWP was able to donate the new catchment system thanks in large part to funds provided by Otter Creek Church of Christ’s legendary consignment sale.

The Pinson School is currently not holding classes because of the pandemic, but we hope and pray it will open again soon. In the meantime, the catchment system will be a source of clear water for the surrounding community, which includes many of the students, teachers and families connected to the school. 

The project will even help safeguard these men, women and children from COVID-19. How? Rather than traveling several kilometers to obtain drinking water, which would increase their potential exposure, they will have a local source of water … thus decreasing their need to travel and decreasing their exposure. Yet another reason to celebrate!