2019 Living Water Project Year in Review

This was TWLP’s 19th year of partnering with communities around the world to provide clean water. As of the end of 2019, this ministry has funded a total of 546 wells/clean-water projects in 25 different countries. These projects represent more than $1.5 million committed to clean water development since our founding in 2000.

In 2019 TWLP funded a total of 97 new wells/clean-water projects, with a total of $317,066 committed to these projects. This is an all-time single-year LWP record. The breakdown of projects by country is as follows:

Liberia: 20 
Nicaragua: 20
Togo: 15
Ghana: 14 
Zambia: 10
Cameroon: 6
Chad: 5
Malawi: 4, plus funds for hydrogeological survey
Guatemala: 1
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 1
Uganda: 1

A total of approximately $310,000 was donated to TWLP this year, representing a 5% increase from 2018’s total of $294,480, our previous record year. This total amount is also an all-time single-year LWP record. As always, these milestones were accomplished while the organization is still being completely run by volunteers.

We are thankful for a decade of significant and steady growth. For some historical perspective, consider the following two graphs. One shows donations received per year from 2013 to 2019, and the other shows total dollars committed to clean water per year over these same years.

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We would like to also extend gratitude to the wonderful on-ground well/ministry coordinators who made this work possible:

Liberia: Alfred Beyan
David Shelton, TJ McCloud
Togo: Nestor Abalo
Ghana: Paul Partey
Zambia: Shadreck Sibwalu
Cameroon: Dr. Samuel Doungous, Issa Keitoumar
Chad: Pastor Samba Paul, Issa Keitoumar
Malawi: Joseph Faison
Guatemala: ADICAY (Guatemala-based nonprofit)
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Jared Palmitier
Uganda: Jared Palmitier

Thank you to our supporters for generously giving of your time and money! We are looking forward to a great 2020.

Jon Lee, LWP president